Orleans Yacht Club

Orleans Yacht Club Info

The Robert Radtke Memorial Fund, Inc.

The Robert Radtke Memorial Fund, Inc. (“Radtke Fund”) was established in 1989 in memory of Robert Radtke who was a very active sailing member of the Orleans Yacht Club. The Radtke Fund annually provides financial need-based scholarships to the Orleans Yacht Club’s Junior Sailing Program (JSP) for eligible boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 18 who are selected through an application process. Up to seventy-two (72) weeks of scholarships may awarded each year . “Radtke Funds” may also be used to defray expenses applicants participating in regional, national or international championship sailing series. Students may apply for scholarships in April and they are awarded in early May.

Radtke Fund scholarship applications are available through the month of April at the OYC Office. They are also emailed to all parents of all local school children via the schools' email notification systems in April.

Completed applications should be submitted to the OYC Office no later than the last Friday in April to be considered for the current year's junior sailing. Scholarship awards are decided in early May and all applicants will be notified in writing of the award decisions at that time.

The Robert Radtke Memorial Fund, Inc. is a tax-exempt fund managed by the Cape Cod Foundation, 259 Willow St., Yarmouthport, MA 02675. As a recognized 501(3)c charitable entity, “the Radtke Fund” accepts monetary donations, bequests, corporate matching gifts, property donations and/or memorial contributions.

Contact the Orleans Yacht Club’s office at 508-255-9091 to make a donation or for further information.


Qualifying recipients are awarded scholarships based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrating a clear financial need
  • Must be between eight and eighteen years old, by June 23, 2025 (3rd grade through high school senior)
  • Having a desire to learn to sail, or
  • Having a desire to continue building upon previous sailing experience
  • Being enrolled in either the Nauset Regional School system or elsewhere


Completed Scholarship Applications will be accepted through 3pm Thursday APRIL 24, 2025 to be eligible for consideration.

Download the application and info document

Corporate Officers

President Joe Rinaldi
Director John Wheeler
Director Steve Kearns
Director De Anna Vouvakis
Treasurer/Director Rick Knight

September 13th, 2025
(rain date: September 15th)
at Orleans Yacht Club

OYC Member Login
